Understanding the Morning After Pill

At the Cline Centers, we recognize that many women have questions about emergency contraception, also known as the morning after pill or Plan B. As your trusted pregnancy resource center in Jackson, Mississippi, we’re here to provide important information to help you make an informed decision.

What is the Morning After Pill?

The morning after pill is a form of emergency contraception that could be taken after unprotected intercourse. It contains a high dose of progesterone, a hormone commonly found in regular birth control pills. There are different types available, including Plan B, One-Step, and ella.

The morning after pill is different from the abortion pill.

How Could It Affect You?

The effects of the morning after pill could vary depending on several factors, including where you are in your menstrual cycle:

  • It could prevent ovulation by delaying or stopping the release of an egg
  • It could affect the movement of sperm through the fallopian tubes
  • It could potentially impact the uterine lining

It’s important to understand that if fertilization has already occurred, the morning after pill could prevent implantation of a fertilized egg, which could result in an early abortion or pregnancy loss.

Important Considerations About the Morning After Pill

When considering the morning after pill, you should be aware of several potential side effects:

  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Changes in your menstrual cycle
  • Fatigue and headaches
  • Dizziness
  • Breast tenderness
  • Abdominal pain or cramping

Some of these symptoms, particularly abdominal pain, could mask serious conditions like ectopic pregnancy, which requires immediate medical attention.

Making an Informed Decision

At the Cline Centers, we believe every woman deserves to understand all her options and their potential impacts.

While the morning after pill is available over the counter, we encourage you to speak with a healthcare provider about your specific situation and all available options.

We’re Here to Help

If you’re facing concerns about pregnancy or have questions about your reproductive health options, the Cline Centers offer confidential consultations with our caring staff. We provide accurate information and support to help you navigate this important decision.

You don’t have to face these decisions alone. Our compassionate team is here to support you and provide the information you need to make the best choice for your health and well-being.

Schedule a free, confidential consultation today. All our services are provided at no cost to you.

Schedule a Consultation with Cline Centers Today.

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