Accidentally Pregnant

Accidentally Pregnant? Five Truths to Help you Find Clarity

So, that positive pregnancy test has come at the worst possible time. You don’t feel ready for this, but you don’t know what to do.

You’re probably feeling scared, confused, ashamed, angry, and panicked. You may not know how you’re feeling; or you may be numb and unable to feel anything at all. All of this – whatever you’re feeling, or not feeling – is perfectly normal.

You deserve clarity. Here are five truths you can speak to yourself to find clarity:

1. It is OK to take time – a minute, a day, a week – to pause and label your emotions.

Not only is it OK, but it is also important. There is nothing so immediately urgent that you do not have time to sit with your feelings. You deserve the chance to sort through all the noise and find a sense of peace. Otherwise, you may make a critical decision based upon fear, and…

2. Good decisions are not based on fear.

Fear, anger, and uncertainty tend to drown out every other emotion and often even rational thought. The noise they create is so loud that you may later regret a decision you made because you were afraid – afraid of what people will think, afraid of losing yourself, afraid of giving up your life, afraid that you can’t do it. You may not realize it now, but below the fear you are feeling, there are other emotions – maybe even excitement and love.

Now may be a good time to process externally with individuals that you trust and whom you know have your best interests in mind. Before you do, however, you need to know that…

3. You have nothing to be ashamed of.

Maybe you once thought, ‘unplanned pregnancies only happen to other girls. That won’t ever happen to me.’ Whether it was about something as life changing as an unplanned pregnancy or not – let’s be honest, we’ve all thought it at some point in our lives.

Even as you are facing a difficult reality, however, you need to know that you are not a failure, you have nothing to hide, this doesn’t change who you are, you are strong, and you are capable.

Though it may not feel like it right now, new life – all new life – is something to be celebrated, not something to be ashamed of.

4. You have choices.

You need to know that you have choices – and that the choice is 100% yours. No-one can legally force you to terminate your pregnancy.

It is important that you are well-informed and educated about all your options – parenting, adoption, and abortion – so that you are well-equipped to make the best decision for you.

5. You are not alone, and you will never be alone.

Perhaps most important of all, you need to know that you’re not alone, and you will never be alone. Even if you don’t feel supported by your partner, family, or friends – there are so many other people that want to help you.

The Cline Center is here to offer you free services like:

  • Confidential advocacy to process emotions and talk through your situation
  • medical and abortion consultations to learn more about your options, fetal development, and the abortion procedure
  • Lab grade pregnancy tests to verify your pregnancy + ultrasounds to verify the viability and location of your pregnancy
  • counseling services, community resources, parenting groups, and support groups

Right now, there are advocates standing by, waiting to meet you exactly where you are right now and walk alongside of you, regardless of the choice you make.

To learn more, just call the Cline Centers at 601-487-1064.

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